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Journal of Joshua Evans 1795-1796 (E)


I visited a family of Methodists, who seemed well disposed: they weretender &; expressed satisfaction. 5th. I likewise attended Evesham Mo.ly Meeting, and was afraid friends were rather on the decline, as to the ground work of religion. The spiritof the world often gets too much place in the hearts of Professors, and thenthe good seed is choked, so that it cannot flourish to the honour of theGreat Husbandman. --- I felt much stripping after I came home,but on visiting some of the Poor, &; those in Affliction, I was comforted;and had cause to bless, &; praise the Name of the Israel's God. 8th. At our Monthly Meeting I opened my concern to visitthe Families belonging to our Meeting of Newtown; and to holda few Meetings near the river side, which my friends united with,I was induced to express my Concern also, about so great a Con-courseof People coming to our Quarterly Meeting, &; the disorders often seenamong them. 14th. On first day we had a favoured Meetingat Newtown: a searching testimony was delivered by our friendS.S. many hearts both of young and old were tendered. 15th. -- I thought I had some clear openings, respecting the manner ofholding our Meetings for discipline, in the authority of Truth. 18th. Being at a Meeting held in a School House near the River, I wasconcern'd on the subject of dwarfishness, which is apt to overtakeFriends both Men and women, in a religious Sense; where the Spiritof the World is allowed to gain Place: O how it hinders the Growthof the blessed Truth! 21st. In visiting the poor and afflicted, I find some who are