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Journal of Joshua Evans 1795-1796 (E)


In a following sitting of Ministers &; Elders the sameconcern was strengthened by others and friends in the city &; country closely advised to attend to the Contents of what was taken on minute at the formerSitting. The Bow seemed (as I believed) to be at this season, renewed &;strengthened by the Lord's Power, in the hands of some little Ones,who had to shoot their Arrows against the Queen of Pride. I did notfind my self clear without also hinting my exercise on the growing Customof friends having fine Carpets, and flowery Things in their rooms; whichI believed were not brought into use by the dictates of simple Truth, and thata number of such matters might well be spared, and thus help might beadministerd towards warming and covering many of the Poor. 28th. The Yearly Meeting ended the 28th with a publick Meeting.I was exceedingly stripped that Evening; having to confess with theProphet of Old, "I am a Worm, and no man." So great was my povertythat I feared I should murmur; there seeming to be no sense of good left.But I tried to get into quietude, therein to know what further theLord had for me to do. Next day being the first of the Week, there were held 3 meetings in the City: The last of which was appointedfor the Youth of all descriptions: These were large and Ithought ended well, yet not so highly favoured as some have been. Here I parted with my beloved Friends J. Wigham and M. Routh.each turning to our own Allotments in the Master's work, John, to Long-Island, Martha to the Northern Meetings in this Govern-ment, and I towards the Genesee Country &; Upper Canada. 30th. Musing on the State of Things, I fear'd that since the latemortality, The People in this City are grown rather Worse than better