duties are laid; it being (as I take it,) generally agreed thatthose who use or consume the Articles so circumstanced, dopay the Duties. Such are my tender scruples &; Testimony;and so I leave it for others to look at, perhaps when I amdead and gone; believing it to be what was given me to bear, andattend to in simplicity and integrity of heart. Joshua Evens. The 3rd. I proceeded on my Way and came to Z. Green's: had a solidtime in his family: several young Women were there, &; it was a satis-factory season. I also visited an aged woman friend, of a heavenlymind as I believed. I have to wait a little for a companion; feelinginward Calmness: This I take to be a divine Gift, to support atottering mind. 5th I was at the Creek Meeting (Ninepartners), where strength wasgiven me to labour (I believe) to the honour of Truth, and myown comfort: next day, my companioncoming, we rode to Little nine Partners, and the day after thatupon short notice, had a pretty large Meeting to good satisfac-tion, at Cattskil, amongst the Presbyterians. 8th Crossing the North River here, we proceeded westward toward Unedilly:I felt myself as a Stranger in a strange land; yet perceived alittle something which inwardly sweeten's the mind: The next daywe went much the same Course, thro' a Wilderness, where themountains were admirably high, which seemed awful; and travel-ling was very difficult among Roots, Rocks and Mire: Sometimes we seemed