seem at times unsteady &; fickle; by some means they were not plea-sed, &; the interpreter disordered with strong drink; these circumstan-ces were very trying; But we informed them we were willing to have anothermeeting, which was proposed for religious worship in the afternoon. This happened to be more trying still; for the Intepreter was so drun-ken &; poor a creature, I had but little freedom to speak by him, if suit- able matter had opened; so that my Sorrow was increased on seeing somuch drunkenness among Indians. -- From hence we returned to Stockbridge, &; tarried there again that night; Captain Hendricks seems tobe a chief of some consequence &; reputation, &; his wife a well behaved woman so far as I saw. The Oneidas beingthe largest of those Nations, are computed six hundred in number.The Land they hold, called 150 thousand Acres, &; their income fromgovernment yearly, five thousand dollars. 6th The committee having goods to distribute among the Indians, thebusiness was finished this morning at Stockbridge: and many both men and women com-ing to take leave; we had a favoured opportunity with them, whereingreater tenderness appear'd, than in any other Season since we came tovisit them. --- We then went to the Place where three friendspropose staying a while among the Oneidas to instruct them; withwhom we had a solid parting season: after this, as many Indianswere come together near our departure from the Place, My desirewas