other. After meeting visited some, sick, aged &; infirm peopleto my comfort &; theirs. 2nd. The next day we went to Roaring-creek meeting; a solid and favoured time. Near it's conclusion Irequested Friends not to go out when others did, for I thought a littlefragment remained for them. Here was a considerable number of Young-people, who sat solidly, as did the Parents. A time not soon to beforgotten, I hope. 3rd. After visiting some aged people, andtender little ones acceptably, I returned to Catawissey. &; the dayfollowing, attended their week-day meeting: I thought it was asolid season, also visited some aged &; infirm people. 7th (I was this day at the week day meeting at Catawissey which wasa comfortable time;) The next Morning leaving this Place in two days, Itravelled through those called Blue Mountains, (a rough road, &;I was poorly &; much fatigued, the distance near fifty Miles) to