Honey-comb. --- Oh that it was the happy experience of allpeople, to submit to the refining Operations of the Grace which isinwardly revealed; Then might they come to know the in-dwellingof the peaceable Spirit of holy Jesus: This would put anend to the quarrelling, &; Jarrs, to hard thoughts and hard Speeches, andintroduce in us the coming of his Kingdom: Men would thus be taughtand enabled to love enemies, &; to bear reviling for Christ's sake:without reviling again: They would find no better way to gain Victory, than by overcoming evil with good. However hard this doc-trine may seem to be to the natural will of Man, many livingWitnesses certainly know, that a state of this kind is attainable:Therefore let no man's or Woman's heart fail them: All have theoffer of divine Grace and Assistance to overcome the evil part, &;none are excluded who are willing to close in, &; obey the teachingsthereof; working while their day of Visitation lasteth; and often bearingin mind, that "The night cometh, wherein no man can work." --O that this might in some degree serve as a loud, lovingcall, to my fellow-pilgrims, and sojourners throughout the Land. 9 mo. 3d. I Attended the monthly meetings at Mount-holly and Eveshamin this Month: I thought it seemed to be low Times, especially at thefirst of them. At the select Meeting for Evesham on the 10th I hadclose labour in true Love, respecting the things which have appear'd