Cruelty hardens the hearts of unrighteous Slave-holders;But how they will answer for the Sins attending this odiousBusiness, when brought to the bar of a righteous Judge, is a Subjectthat occasions awfulness to serious Christian minds. 11th. We were now at a pretty large Meeting at Somerton, nearlyone third, were black people, &; they, as well as others sat solid: thiswas a satisfactory season, and many appeared tendered; close doc-trine was delivered on behalf of Truth's cause, &; seemed to be well re-ceived. The The 12th. attended a select Meeting of the Quarterheld at Western-Branch, in much poverty. I believed there was a want of more living zeal amongst it's Members. 13th. Then had a large Meeting composed of people of differentColours, which was held in Suffolk Courthouse, many more camethan the house did hold. It was a solid &; favour'd Season; satisfactoryin general I believed; But one family of friends dwelt here at this time.From hence we returned to the Widow Ann Scotts', near the WesternBranch. Who being able &; open-hearted, is about building a newMeeting-house at her own expence. My affectionate desire for her is that she may be preserved, so as to retain a blameless character inthe important Station she stands. The 14th. was their Meeting for business here: dull and exer-cising