to the falls of the river, which are thirty-eight and a half feet in three quarters of a mile. It is a very romantic spot. In one place, the water pitches down about seven feet. Here is a fine grist mill, saw mill, and fulling mill. A Scotch gentleman, named John Porteous, is the proprietor of the seat. It will, some time, in all probability, become a great interest. — Here are great preparations making to open a canal, which I think they will complete, as nature has done abundance toward facilitating this very important object. The river is contracted by rocks and hills to one hundred feet wide, at the falls, and for some distance below. At this place, a spacious wooden bridge is erected across the river. On the north side, are evident marks of nature having, at some very remote period of time, undergone a great re-volution. I think it appears to a demonstration, that the river once ran among the rocks, that are now thirty perches from the present bed of the wa-ter, and twenty feet above its level. Rocks and stones are lying in a very irregular position, but so smoothed, and worn into curves of many shapes, like ovens, large kettles, and some worn down like a hollow gum, six or seven feet deep, and bear every appearance of the rocks in the bed, and on the sides of the river, at present. This afternoon, we enga-ged seven wagons to transport our stores and boats, one mile across these falls. We were kindly received by our friend Porteous, and the superintendent of the canal, a very intelligent man, Major Frederick Augustus De Zang; where I drank tea, and lodged. He emigrated from Saxony, and married Caleb Law-rence’s daughter, of New York. Though this place is so rocky and wild, it is said a rattlesnake has not