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Jacob Lindley's Account, 1793


bled from their ancient seats, made our progress up toward the pitch, rough and difficult. We foundlogs, pieces of canoes, &;c. in abundance, twelve or fifteen feet above the present level of the water — also ducks, loons, cormorants, catfish, pickerels, and various kinds of fish and water fowl, which had been killed by the dashing of the columns of water, tumbling off a precipice not less than one hundred and twenty feet perpendicular. The rocks and stones are mostly excellent limestone, as are the stones in the banks for six or seven miles below, where, from every appearance, I think it is not absurd to sup-pose the falls once were, but have worn up to the present barrier, where the river makes a bend, and the water is divided by an island; though two thirds of it, or more, pass on the north side of the island. I think it is not improbable that the lands adjoining,derive considerable advantage to vegetation, from the misty vapors which arise, and are exhaled to the clouds, or blown by the varying winds, on the neighboring farms. Some of these are exceeding fertile; abounding with grass and grain. After spend-ing an hour or two, almost lost in admiration, we ascended by the way we went down, and rode eight miles to the landing, where we dined at Benjamin Canby's. 31st. This forenoon Capt. Hendricks, Little-man, and three other Oneida Indians came to our camp, whom we were pleased to see; we refreshed them, and had friendly conversation, confirming the prin-ciples of peace and good will to all men. Here we were within the sound of the martial trumpet, where I did adopt the Israelitish lamenta-tion, "By Babels streams we sat and wept, when