behaved with a modest civility, far exceeding my expectation from military characters. The enter-tainment was luxuriously sumptuous, and hospitable, as to flesh, fish, fruit, and vegetables, with variety of wines and excellent London porter. We dined at four o'clock, and spent till near sunset in agree-able conversation, on various subjects — such as reli-gion, governments, war, peace, theatrical exhibitions; and, at the conclusion, they begged leave to drink a toast; which, out of complaisance, they dispensed with, except the King's health. We told them we could not encourage the practice, as it frequently proved an inlet to intemperance, and sometimes in-toxication; which they granted — nevertheless they took the liberty to drink, success to the Quakers in the present honourable, and disinterested underta-king. After night, a lad named Daniel Frazer, came to our lodgings. He told us he was taken prisoner by the Indians, out of Russell county in Virginia. Here came also, James Henry, a smart young man, a pri-soner with the Blind Chief, near the mouth of the river Roosh, twelve miles from Detroit. He is adopt-ed; which renders his case difficult. They have put jewels in his nose and ears, and figured him like an Indian. He is desirous of returning to his relations near Georgetown, Eastern Shore of Maryland. In this house is hired a young woman, whose name is Field, taken from Ohio, below Fort Pitt, where her father lived when she was taken. We have met with divers others, whose cases excite sympathy and concern, and to which attention has been paid; but we thought it most prudent not to make strenuous exertions at present, lest it might operate to our dis-