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Jacob Lindley's Account, 1793


hands and departed. At which I was glad, as I was alone. Dined with Capt. England, Capt. Leaburn, Maj. Andrews and several other military gentlemen, and two of their ladies. They were very courteous and polite. 18th. We wrote a letter two days ago, in order to hasten the commissioners to come forward to this place, being more contiguous to Sandusky, and more in the way of information. This morning we wrote a few lines to Col. McKee, at the great preparative council at Miami rapids, expressive of our peace-able mission. Ten principal Indians, Senecas and Cayugas, came to see us. Several of them old men, with gray hairs, and furrowed brows; evident marks ofa round of years, attended with variety of hardships, exercise, sorrow and pain. Their depressed coun-tenances awakened all the compassionate feelings of my mind, towards them. But my agency seemed so feeble, I could only retire into solemn quietude, and intercede the common Father, to be the comfort and prop of their declining years. The old Fish-carrier was one of the number. This day, my exercise of mind was heavy, and my heart sorrowful, in a feeling of the sufferings of the pure Seed in this place, and the cruelty and op-pression which reign among the children of men, even of the most polished nations. What enormous salaries are given to military officers, both sea and land, as also to officers in civil government, who too generally stand opposed, with thousands of others in more inferior stations, to the spreading and in-crease of the kingdom and government of the Prince of Peace. In a little interview with Capt. Munsey,