was to come and dine with us, to which we invitedhim. We were also visited this morning by Abram, Katherine his wife, Rebekah and Mary, his daugh-ters. They live at Miami Rapids, are Mohickons,and appear much civilized. Also, some Shawneewomen, one a widow, who, because of her situation, had taken off her bobs, jewels, and trinkets, withwhich the others shone with splendor, having massyplates of silver about them, I have no doubt, to an amount that would have clothed them in silk andvelvet. Had it not been for the profuse introductionof distilled spirits amongst these people, and thefrauds in consequence of it, imposed upon them, al-so the ravages and depredations of war, with multi-plied murders and thefts, they would at this day havebeen a very wealthy people in silver and gold, cat-tle and horses. But the reverse is, at present, theirsorrowful situation, I fear to our condemnation. Thehistory of their barbarity, treachery, and breach offaith to the white people, and to one another, whichwe have heard rehearsed by people well acquaintedwith facts, since we arrived here, would be painful,tedious, and indeed too shocking to relate. Thesecircumstances almost stagger the faith of their bestfriends. Even one of the Moravian missionariessaid, that even if peace should be concluded, itwould not last long, until they were further chas-tised. John Parrish asked, by what means? Didhe mean the sword? It was answered, yes — notuntil they were convinced the United States weretoo powerful for them, and able to subject them. —These being the sentiments of those who had livedlong among them, solely to promote peace, and the