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Jacob Lindley's Account, 1793


us out of pure friendship, having heard it himself:which we treasured up at present. But truly, the pressure of murdering, dark, blood-thirsty spirits,from day to day, is exceeding heavy; always re-quiring us to watch and pray, that we may be fur-nished with the whole armour of light. 3rd. Col. England came to visit us. We went tosee his garden — in the interview, he showed everymark of respect to Friends, and desired us as often as we wished, to retire into his arbours in the heatof the day. We acknowledged his kindness, and went to our lodgings to dine, where we had thecompany of a young Shawnese chief. He was neat-ly dressed in Indian style. I computed he had, atleast, one thousand silver broaches stuck on a newsilk hunting shirt. He behaved at table with greatgentility. 4th. Fourteen Indians came to see us. They ap-peared friendly. The weather exceeding warm. Al-though we are well supplied with provisions, yet,the water being all brought from the river, andstanding in a tierce in the sunshine, makes our drinkdisagreeable. This, with a host of flies by day, andfleas and bugs by night, added to our state of sus-pense, required some fortitude and patience to keepour post, without looking back, or meditating anescape. 5th. Had some conversation with an intelligent woman, who had been taken prisoner in Kentucky, and separated from her husband and nine children. All had been favoured to meet again except one,which she says is now in Kentucky. She says, threehundred and ninety-five persons were taken, andscattered through the wilderness at the time they