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Jacob Lindley's Account, 1793


were, fourteen years ago. Such a situation, contrast-ed with a land of peace, and the security of life,liberty, and property, may enable us to make someestimate of the blessings we enjoy, and the princi-ples which lead to a permanent security of them. This morning the Ottoway, Capt. Cowan, sailed for Fort Erie, to go by the way of Miami Bay, hav-ing provisions on board for McKee and the Indiansat the Rapids. With whom Capt. Elliott, deputyIndian agent for the British, embarked, to join McKee at the council. We acquainted him repeat-edly with our design in coming to this country, andour prospects of the importance of the business inagitation, and engaged him to use his influence asspeedily as possible, to open the way for a treaty. Isent by this vessel some intelligence to Philadelphia,and sailed up the river past Hog Island and PearlIsland, into the lower end of Lake St. Clair, whichis about thirty-six miles long, and eighteen broad.After taking a prospect of Gross Point, the residenceof Commodore Grant, viewed N. Williams’s stonewind mill, dined at his house, and returned eight ornine miles to our lodgings. William Savery andWilliam Hartshorn, in our absence, were visited by a Shawnese warrior, who announced to them what hadbefore been frequently suggested to us by divers per-sons, that if the commissioners did not immediatelyagree, that all the land west of the Ohio, should beevacuated, and given up by the United States, oreven hinted any thing to the contrary, by offeringgifts or money as purchase, of which they under-stood they had brought abundance with them, thatnone of them, or their company, would ever go offthe ground alive — for their fathers, who are now all