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Jacob Lindley's Account, 1793


and assure us that nothing short of wisdom from onhigh will do for us to lean to. 6th. My mind was deeply exercised with a con-sideration, how the way may open in this dark land,to lift up our testimony for the excellency of thegovernment of Christ, our Redeemer, in these hea-then regions of both white and red people. TheFelicity is just arrived from the Miami, and con-firms the account of the Indian deputation beinggone to meet the commissioners at Niagara, accom-panied by Col. Butler and Simon Girty. 7th. First of the week. Held a meeting in thesail-loft, which was in a good degree comfortableand satisfactory. Just arrived from the Rapids, Capt.John, David Kennedy, and Mohican Samuel, by whom we received a letter from Capt. Hendricks,importing, twenty nations were then assembled; thatthere were runners sent to bring forward the Poto-watomie chiefs; that in a few days, they should moveto Sandusky, and that a desire for peace was gainingground amongst them. This account, from a manin whom we had confidence, was encouraging to us. In the afternoon, we held a meeting for worshipat a mill, at the river Ruzche, about five miles fromDetroit, with a considerable number of middle aged and young people, to the peace of our minds. Re-turned in the evening, they having sent up horsesto bring us down and carry us back. 8th. Had an interview with David Kennedy, alearned, intelligent man, just returned with Capt.John from the Rapids. He informs, there are a nu-merous host of Indians there, and that the generalsentiments were looking towards peace; yet theyoung Shawnese were high, and rough in their