dispositions, especially the warriors. We also hadan opportunity with about ten or twelve Indians ofthe Six Nations, desiring them to use their influenceto promote the work of peace; which they appearedto unite with. This forenoon we wrote to Capt. Hendricks bySamuel, also sent him some money (five dollars) forwhich he wrote. We have lately understood thathostilities have commenced between the Chipawas and Sioux of the Meadows, and Sioux of the Woods,against each other. They are powerful nations. This day was another interment at the Romanchapel, of a man, said to be one hundred and fifteenyears old. It was, as usual, attended with abundanceof Romish pomp and superstition. The house waswonderfully replenished with lighted candles, which,in meridian sunshine, appeared to reflect no light at all; but rather a gloom — which is truly the case withspiritual sunshine, or gospel light. It all appeareddark. 9th. I went to visit Col. England, where I metCapt. Blue Jacket, a chief warrior among the Dela-wares, who, it is said, was in command at GeneralSt. Clair's defeat. He was dressed in scarlet, withgold tassels, and a laced hat. A brave, masculine figure of a man. I spoke to him by an interpreter,letting him know I was one of the people calledQuakers, who were men of peace, and that we werecome to try to heal, and make peace. He replied,he had heard of Quakers, and that they were harm-less people, and did not fight. He was going toMontreal; but had given his opinion before he cameaway, and hoped matters would be settled.