cy. Notwithstanding it appeared to me to be thechastening hand of judgment laid upon her, yet mysympathy was touched, to consider if she was mychild, poor and quite destitute of friends able tocomfort her, how should I feel. Oh! saith my soul,that the multiplied mournful instances recited in thecatalogue of rebellion and disobedience to parents,might have the happy effect to induce young people,early to seek the kingdom of God, and his righteous-ness: so would they be preserved out of snares, temp-tations, and beds of anguish and sorrow, the surerewards of sin and disobedience. 11th. Dined at Abbott’s, a Detroit merchant, with all our company, except Joseph Moore. Indianaffairs was the topic. In the course of the conver-sation, I felt some zeal for the testimony to arise;under which I spoke plainly to divers points, andsome persons present urged the necessity of whip-ping, or further chastising the Indians, and the im-possibility of effecting their reformation without it. 12th. Went down the river four miles, and paid three or four little visits to some friendly people.This afternoon, a vessel arrived from Fort Erie,bringing accounts that the Indian deputation had ar-rived there, and the commissioners were returnedto Niagara. Which accounts, with no way openingas yet, to see the Indians at the Rapids, and no let-ters from Philadelphia, make our situation here, sin-gularly trying. 13th. A small vessel arrived from Fort Erie,which brought letters from my wife, M. Miller,brother J. L. and Jonathan and Rumford Dawes,all fraught with love, and instructive communication.This was a joyous feast to my mind, and as marrow