purpose to transport us to Sandusky, or Fort Erie,as was most eligible on the shortest notice. In conversation with Capt. Welbank, on the situ-ation of Indian affairs to the southward, with whichhe discovered extensive knowledge, he asserted asfollows: — That in the year 1791, a treaty was heldwith the southern Indians, negociated on behalf ofthe United States, by a person who made out thearticles of the treaty in writing, wherein he insertedthe free navigation of the Cherokee river, withouttheir knowledge, and bribed the interpreter to read,ten miles round Nashville village, where forty was inserted. There was a large extent of country, forwhich the natives required three thousand dollarsper annum, but he assured them his power wouldnot permit him to go so high; but for the present,he would insure two thousand dollars, and had nodoubt of obtaining the whole sum, by an applicationto Congress. But in the article it was read, twothousand dollars, where one thousand only was en-tered. And after all, the survey far exceeded thelimits of the land agreed on. Of which grievances,the bloody fellow, Notawasky, Joberson, and Princeof Eastern Airy, came to Congress for redress; theywere politely received, and assured justice should take place. On the faith of which, they returned,and made report to their people, who rested satisfied,until their hopes of redress were laid waste, by Spen-cer and others coming over the dividing ridge, be-tween Holstein and Tennessee rivers, (which was theboundary prescribed) building mills, and piquetingforts, on the waters of the Tennessee. Capt. Wel-bank says, the Indians have applied to the Spaniards,and received assurances they shall be supplied with