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Jacob Lindley's Account, 1793


This afternoon, had a visit from Fransey Baubee,just returned from the assembly of Upper Canada,where the subjecet of slavery was closely debated.Gov. Simcoe appeared an advocate on the side of liberty. But so strong was the opposition from mo-tives of interest, they could carry the subject no fur-ther, than liberty at twenty-five years of age, to allborn after this date. Which account increased myexercise for the lamentable state of mankind. Bloodtouching blood, mingled with tears of the oppressed,whose groans ascend to the ears of the Lord of Sa-baoth. While others live on their labours, in volup-tuousness, ease, and pride, spending days and nightsin revelling, feasting, fiddling, dancing, drunkenness,debauchery, and abominable conversation. On whichaccount, I do believe, the earth and its inhabitantswill be made to tremble, and the ears of many bemade to tingle. 25th. Took an affiectionate leave of Matthew Dol-son and Hannah, and divers other inhabitants of De-troit, and went on board the Dunmore; Col. England,Lieut. Henry, Ensign Ross, and Edward O'Brian, accompanying us. Many of the officers of the gar-rison, and inhabitants of the place, came to the wharf,to take leave of us. Among the latter, is a very re-spectable family, of the name of Reynolds. Theyhave an amiable daughter, Margaret. We proceededdown the river, and at one o'clock, arrived at Capt. Elliott's house, at the mouth of it. Landed in thecolonel’s barge, and were gladly received by thecommissioners, after about eight weeks absence: thejoy was mutual. Capt. Banbury, Gen. Cheaping,and Lieut. Givenz were there. They accompaniedthe commissioners from Niagara. 26th.