plicitly to declare their intentions in writing, signedby ten nations. This is to be presented to-morrow,and it is apprehended will determine the business. 30th. A deputation of twenty-five Indians, cameover the river about nine o'clock; when seated, thecommissioners seated before them, and we formingan angle at the Indians' right hand, after a solemnpause, an Indian inquired, "Are you ready?" Si-mon Girtywas told to answer, yes. Then a Wy-andot chief arose, took off his hat, and thanked theGreat Spirit, they had met; and spoke some time,introductory to the delivery of a written message:wherein they state, that matters were not fully ex-plained at Niagara; therefore they explicitly requirean answer, whether the commissioners have powerto make Ohio the boundary; and if so, immediately to remove all the inhabitants off the land, west ofthe Ohio? To which, Gen. Lincoln (after all three had read it, and consulted together) answered, theywould inform them to-morrow. After this, we hada solid conference with the commissioners, on theobstacles thrown in the way, and they explained theNiagara conference; which we approved as fair andcandid. This demand appeared a new matter, pro-bably suggested by some designing enemy to peace.The letter was signed by ten nations, viz. Dela-wares, Shawnese, Miamis, Wyandots, Ottawas, Min-goes, Munseys, Chipawas, &;c. 31st. About nine o'clock, the Indians came over the river, among whom, Ocohongehelas, the Dela-ware war chief, his brother, and Little Jonny, a Shawnese chief, and Carry-all-about, a Wyandotchief, were principal men. We spoke to them, andtold them we were their brothers, the Quakers, come