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Jacob Lindley's Account, 1793


the same place. Previous to their setting off, I tookan opportunity to impress their minds with the im-portance of the present critical juncture; as also, how deeply the interests of humanity was involvedin it. My mind is often involuntarily impressedwith a secret sorrow, and sense of the want of true sincerity, in this painful business; in which I see different schemes and opposite interests are engaged;while the poor natives stand exposed as a mark, totheir grievous injury, and suffering, under an undue influence. 2nd. Feeling blank and empty, I took a walk intothe woods, which are marshy and flat, in every placeI can find, about a mile from all the lakes and rivers:which space is rich and fertile land. The inlandparts of the country abounding with extensiveswamps, covered with bushes, coarse grass, rushes,and flags, make harbours for such innumerable flights of blackbirds, as prove very injurious to theproduction of the neighboring farms, taking nearlyone-third of their small grain, notwithstanding theexertions of gunners, children, &;c. 3rd. The Detroit sloop came down the river, boundto Fort Erie, by which I wrote a letter to my dear H.L. 4th. Last night was wet — our tents did not ex-clude the mist, which wet our blankets and clothesconsiderably. I wrote a letter to my daughter, Ma-ry Miller, and attended a meeting at Simon Girty’s, in the afternoon; Gen. Lincoln, Gen. Cheaping, Capt.Carry Hamilton, and Givenz, with a number of In-dians and Negroes, present, to our satisfaction. Many of the officers of the army are very de-bauched, and immoral characters, notwithstanding