he left home, and several of our company weresick. I spent this evening with Capt. Welbank, andCapt. Bunbury, at Capt. Caldwell's, where Capt.Welbank talked freely respecting the southern In-dians, and their confederates; among whom was thegovernor of Pensacola, and the Indian nations quiteto the Mississippi, and the mountain Leader also,who was considered fully attached to the interest ofthe United States. All which intelligence, withthe present tardy process of our commission, im-pressed my mind with ideas of horror and distress,approaching our extensive frontier, with somedoubts, that the speculation in western estates, will be disastrous to public tranquility and peace. 14th. Col. England wrote to Capt. Bunbury, todespatch the Dunmore to Fort Erie. Bunbury, ha-ving Gov. Simcoe's orders in writing, to keep herfor the convenience and protection of the commis-sioners, withstood the colonel's orders. 15th. Three Wyandots came to our camp, andreport they have received accounts from the Indiancouncil, that they had at length agreed to invite usto the council. This day my head felt much disor-dered, occasioned, I supposed, by getting wet in ourtent by rain, just as we lay down. William Saverypoorly, Jasper Parrish very ill, also Horatio Jonesand Joseph Moore complaining. 16th. My mind much tossed — looking towards home — then to the Yearly Meeting. I took a walkdown the river, where I erected a seat under thespreading boughs of a buttonwood, of whose branch-es and broad leaves I made a carpet, and sat myselfdown in the native splendor of one of the aboriginal