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John Peirce Notes, on a visit to Several Tribes of Indians, 1796


shall get no kind of Entertain-ment, either for ourselves or Horses, for upwards of 40 Miles. Thence to William Carter’s about 15 miles, where we lodged out29.of necessity; there being no other House, of any kind, on this side of the mountains: This last Stage crossing the New-York and Pennsylvania Line. 22nd. This morning started be-fore two OClock, proposing, in pos-sible to reach some Quarters on the other Side of the Savage Mountains; breakfasted on Bread &; Cheese, which we had previously provided; and fed our Horses, some on the Ground, and others in Holes cut cut for that purpose in the Logs; about 15 Miles on our way. Thence proceed-ing up the Mountain; our Roads