17 Crossed Susquehanna at Catewissee in the boat, the River 80 pearches wide, the Land from the River to fishing Creek is more desirable than on the Catewisee side, it is pretty clear of Stones, and mostly such as will do to settle on, and in some places, particularly toward Fishing Creek is considerably improved, Dined at Jessee Hains’s 15 miles, the tim--ber for 7 or 8 miles after we crossed the River, is mostly Pine, thinly scat--tered with very little undertimber, about Fishing Creek very heavy timber, from Jessee Haines’s on towards Munsy generally White Oak, for 6 or 7 miles the Land leavel and pretty good with a number of good improvement, from thence to the Muncy Creak Creek Mountainous, and poor, the Muncy Valley is pretty good Land, Lodged at William Ellises