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Joshua Sharpless' Journal [Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent], 1797


thence up a beautiful ascending stre†[ch] about a mile stands to Canadarque thou[gh] is it contains a Number of well built Houses perhaps so some of us elegant, and supurb, here we fed >10 mil†[es?] upon confering together we thought best of going to see some of our members hereaway upon and enquiring of our Landlord he informed us of one or one more who Lived at Mud Creek about 10 or 12 miles off, we then turned our faces that way and in about 9 m traveling we stoped at a certain Job Howlings to enquire the way, he told us it was to far to reach that evening and a kind--ly invited us to stay all night, which we accepted of, found his Wife a Member and very kind we had a sitting with them that even-ing, the Land from Thomas Lees to Canadarque is in some places very rich strong land in other places thin, much of the way is Low flat Country Land to wet for Wheat, but little pine for 20 m past the mostly heavy timbered. From Canadarque to this place very Deep, rich Land, for the most part, the