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Joshua Sharpless' Journal [Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent], 1797


5th day the 26 attended an appointed Meeting at Nathan Cornstalks, 2miles, it was a Solid favoured Opportunity, at the Close of which we desired that those in religious pro--fession with and those who had their minds turned towards friends would keep their seats, to whom Council and instruction was administered, the num-bers who staid was not perhaps 40, one half of whom were not in membership but divers of them appeared a ten-der seeking people, went in the Evening to Jacob Smith’s on Mud Creek 6 miles here we had a religious Op--portunity with his and his Brother Joseph Smith’s family this Closed our religious services in these parts 6th day 27 set of for Niagara, fed at Thayers 16 miles got to the River 8 miles here we expected to have been supplyed with Oates to take carry us to Buffaloe 80 miles but could neither get Corn or Oates, we then went back about one mile and with difficulty got one corn, we had