horses we let them out to pick a little grass while then tyed them up till Morning, the hay afforded no provision for ourselves, the Land from Job Howlings around throu[gh] the the settlement of friends is deep, Rich, black Soil, mostly pretty level, inclinable to be wet, the Surfice of the ground very uneven, by trees being blown up from time immemorial, the timber pretty Large and very thick, chiefly Poplar, Ash, Sugar Maple, Elm, Shelbark Hickory and some White Oak, from Jacob Smiths to the River about 2 or 3 miles in our first seting off excepted, mostly matly on open Country very little timber either great or small, the Land for the most part a sandy loam, an[d] the Country pretty thick settled 7th day 28th to up very early and set off as soon as we could see the path, in hopes of a pretty pleasant day, the sun made its appearance about 9 or 10 yet it presently hid its face and the Clouds grew thick so that and the Close wood we were in was looked like evening, &; presently the snow >it began to snow fall, and in a few hours the Limbs, and young timber became so Loaded