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Joshua Sharpless' Journal [Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent], 1797


Then sat at Daniel Pounds, him he and his Wife are examplary friends and have nine seven pretty Inocent Children who are all small, him he and his Wife were dis-owned by Plainfield Monthly Meeting they appear to be in a tender thought-ful condition and are desirous to make up with friends, and have sent acknowledgments by us none of their Child-ren have a right we then sat at Joel Morrises, he has never had a right among friend but we think he is hopeful and in a thoughtful tender state, his wife was disowned by Shrewsberry Rahway Monthly Meeting they have 4 small children is in a tender thoughtful State, woman here we met with Abraham Lane a Single Man and a Member, and who may do Well, he is a Member of Shrewsbury Monthly Meeting Sat at Asa Schuylies him he and his Wife are examplary friends, and, Members of KingWood Monthly Meeting, they have several hopeful Children but none of them have a right of membership, Lodged here