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Joshua Sharpless' Journal [Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent], 1797


Its dashing that it appeared looked was all in a foam flying in places twenty or more feet high, looking as as white as a sheet and all this, and ten times as much more before we came to the grand and perpendicular falls Catarack, the day be--ing very Smoky, and a little rainy we had not so full a view of the great falls as we desired, on proposing if the day suited to spend a little more time when we re--turned, as near as I could compute, this very wild, romantick, and foming condition of the river it began about ¾ of a Mile above to the great preci--pice, we left the River and in about two miles and got to William Lundy’s who was once a Member of Kingwood month-ly Meeting but for many years past, disowned, his Wife and Children never had a right, we were friendly entertained, but there is bu[t] little prospect in sd. family of any Strength to the society arising therefro[m] 25 Miles 7th of the week a rainy morning, went to Jeremiah Moore’s 3 ½ miles, who were much Joyed in th seeing us