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Joshua Sharpless' Journal [Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent], 1797


him he and his Wife are concerned examplary friends from Sadsbury Monthly Meeting, they have at home seven Innocent affectionate Children. -- hen sat at Benjamin Hills, 5 miles he is a Member of Buckingham Mo.ly Meeting and his Wife of Sadsbury Monthly Meet--ing, they are young, and I hope maybe usefull friends, they have four small Children Went to John Hills, 1 mile were we lodged him he and his Wife are members of Buckingham Monthly Meeting they have two Children at home, members, ---- the Land from William Lundy’s to Jeremiah Moore’s is a high, dry, Sandy loam, mostly improved, from thence to this place for 2 or 3 miles the same sort but thinly Timbered, the remainder flat, heavy Timbred and appeared