Creek that evening, William and Wife bearing us company, Lodged at Jacob Cleytons 16 miles 6th 23 [sic] a Northwest Wind and pretty clear, Went to Fishing Creek Meeting 2 ½ Miles, which was a comforting refreshing Opportunity, and my soul was enabled to Worship in secret dined at John Eveses near the Meeting house, and with industry got to Cate--wissee that Evening, having the Susquehannah to Cross 15 mile, lod--ged at John Loyds where we were kindly entertained, his Wife companion being a neat house wife, both the our supper and Bed evinced it 7 day the 24 [sic] attended the Monthly Meeting at Catewissee, which was a low exercising time in the forepart, but life gradually rose under the Ministry of J.L. till I thought I had ever seldom experienced the like, it was a memorable time, and ended well, and the Business of the Monthly