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Joshua Sharpless' Journal [Visit to Upper Canada and Parts Adjacent], 1797


on Boards instead of Socking Bottom except when we lay in the Woods on bark, the mostly appeared dirty, uniformly with out any Sheet on over us, but in its place a rough Coarse Blanket, our meal has been steadily fryed Veneson, sometimes pretty good nor Bread for 100 or more Miles with some small exception has been indifferent Buckwheat cakes, our drink almost ever since we left home, Water, Bohea Tea is much used in Canada and which they drink very strong, they have plenty of sugar Ma--ple and make their own Sugar, tho in many places were out, that our Tea was frequently drank without, which was our situation in many places Since -------------------- 4th day the 22 a Northeast Wind and a Cold Wet Morning, feeling our Minds drawn f to do, we concluded to attend the Meetings belonging to Catewissee Monthly Meeting and our horses as well as ourselves wanting rest we lay by to day, tomorrow being their meeting at Munsy in Coarse, the, next day to be at Fising Creek and 7 tho to attend their Monthly Meeting at Catewissee