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Joshua Sharpless's Journal Into Indian Country, 1798


productive, we arrived at a Dutch Town called Berlin, containing upwards of 50 Houses, Mostly of Logs, and Frame, when at the sign of the Black House we got good entertainment. 36 miles 6 We started early this Morning with some hopes of reaching a friend’s House this evening, which was very desirably, for 2 or more miles the Land was good, and considerably Settled, tho Hilly. thence we entered a Chesnutt Country, the Soil thin, and in a while we came among abundance of Laurel, the road very Stony, Rocky, &; Muddy, thence entered a Pine forrest being the first White Pines of note since we have met with; here they grew in abun- -dance, tho not very large, but few settlement the greatest part of this stage, stoped and got our Breakfast at John Thusiers 13 miles. from thence to Geo: Batchaler’s 14 miles, the whole of this stage remarkable rough, the first 3 or 4 miles the Land appeared pretty good tho very hilly, one hill more steep and long than any we have hitherto met with, was as we went down to Laurell—hill—Creek, a smart stream from thence to near this place called Laurell Hill, the whole of this stage very heavy Timbered so that the Hill comparatively speaking groan