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Joshua Sharpless's Journal Into Indian Country, 1798


9 Attended Redstone Meeting, dined at Reese Cadwaladers, where we have made our home since our arrival here, it is a good place for man and beast, Our horses have had very good Pasture, and been well fed with Grain, so that they recruited. Set of this afternoon for Pittsburgh, crossed the Monongalela at Bridgetownport, went down the west side of it said River to Alexander Boggs on Pigeon Creek where we lodged 11 m having a few miles back crossed Trout Run 10th Set of early this Morning, Stopped at Par- -kers, fed our horses and got our Break- -fast, a number of curious falls pre- -sented on small streams in this last stage, at a Certain depth much of this Country appears to be covered with broad Rocks lying Horizontally, which about the streams is washed bare, over the edges of these Rocks the Water often falls, from 2 to 12, or 15 feet, in many places the Rock is hollow, so that there are large Cavities under where the water falls, quite dry. from hence to Pittsburgh 16 miles, from