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Joshua Sharpless's Journal Into Indian Country, 1798


too high, so that the prospect of things looks a little more lightsome. 11th Had an interview with General Wilken- -son this Morning, he recieved us very respectfully, appeared well satisfied with the business we were going on, and cheer- -fully disposed to Assist us in our undertak- -ing, he gave us the Deputy Quarter Master, who bore us company, direction in our hearing to forward our goods to Cornplan- -ter’s Settlement, he kindly invited us to come and take Dinner with him, which kindness we acknowledged, but excused ourselves on account of our Business. All hands were now employed in procuring the necessary articles to be sent into the Indian Country, Isaac Crage the Deputy Quarter Master, was very assistant, he provided a Boat, Sent a Wagon to take our goods from the Public Store, which was in the Fort, and went with us there; he also sent the Wagon to convey those we had pro- -cured in different parts of the Town; we got all our goods to the Warf Wharf, Weighed, and put on board before evening,