Stratas of Slate. 12th A Cold Morning and Smart white fros[t] Several of our number waited on the Ge- -neral this Morning agreeable to his re- -quest, which was a satisfactory interview, and to encourage the business we were going upon and assist therein present- -ed us with the following letters, accompa- -nied us through the guards, and respectfully took his leave of us. Head Quarters PittsBurgh may the 12 1798 Sir, This will be handed to you by Mr: Peirce of the Society of friends in Philadel- -phia, who with Several Associates is on a Visit to the Seneca Nation, with views to make some establishments which may prove useful to those people, and interest- -ing to the rights of humanity, You will be pleased to furnish Mr Peirce, a guide, Provisions and any accommodations he may need, charging the accruing expenses, to their proper heads, with respect and esteem, I am Sir, Your Obed Servt Captain Fowler Agent of the 2r Ma General James Wilkinson Fort Franklin