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Joshua Sharpless's Journal Into Indian Country, 1798


We Crossed French Creek close creek by the town I thoug[ht] it was as large as three of Brandywine, in 2 or more miles we turned to our right leaving the main road that leads to Casawaga, La Boeuf, and Preaque isle to our left, we had stones with a rough country for a while, in places very poor, in about 12 miles we crossed a rich bottom on a small stream, here was plenty of pasture, being the first we had seen in the Woods since we left home, from thence to Oyl Creek through level Rich land, 6 miles, here we met with an house, being the second we have seen since we left franklin, here we and took up our horses quarters, and after feeding our horses with some Corn turned them for the first time into the Open Woods, there being plenty of Grass and other luxuriant growths. This is the most desirable place that I have seen for many miles back, a fine fertile bottom on the Creek with plenty of level plough land adjoining, which appeared good, a large stream of Water not far of, and a noble Spring Just by the door large enough to turn a Mill, yet it is not known that there is any limestone in this neigh