of this Creek on a beautiful dry plain there is a Town laid out by the State of Pennsyl- -vania, it is called Warrentown, the Hol- -land Company owns a large body of land adjoining this place which they are Surveying into Townships &;c. and settling, they have built a good house on a lot in sd Town, where they keep a store to supply their Survey- -ers and Settlers with Provision &;c. Joseph Johnson our Pilot have had the charge of this Store, and this was as far as he designed going with us. When we arrived here we met with perhaps 20 or more Indians, many of whom were drunk, having obtained liquor of some settlers that were at this House intending in a few days to go up the Creek to their destined spot, Joseph John- -son immediately put a stop to the selling of Liquor, and informed us, that he and his men had obtained from the use of it distilled spirits in there surveying business last summer, as was the practice of other surveyors in the Holland employ, and found they were better without it. he agreed with a Young Indian who was sober, and we were informed would not get drunk, to Pilot us tomorrow to Cornplan- -ter’s Village, he was a good Countenanced lad,