and from that people, many of those fine Leggons, with the other striped and nice Cloath- -ing they had on, came.* upon our letting them know we had nothing more to say amongst them at this time, they informed us they would take our proposals into consideration and give us an answer tomorrow. 19 The Indians were this day in Council on the business we had laid before them, they divers times sent their deputies for us to explain some part of the business we had opened to them, one of their questions was how they should draw their Plough if the *We then let them know that we had a boat com- -ing up the Allegeny River, with various kinds of goods, among which were a num- -ber of Ploughirons, Hoes, axes, Shovels and Spades, with Carpenters, Masons, and Coopers tools, which we intended never to take a- -way but leave amongst them, but while our Young staid, they should be placed under their care, to lend out to them as the wanted, and, when done with them, to be return- them -ed. 19 The Indians were this day in Council on the business we laid before them, they they divers times sent their Deputies for us to explain some part of the business