I may just note that there is a great appear- -ance for strawberries here on some part of the Old Indian fields. 27 and 1st of the week, I neglected noting in its proper place, that fifth day last about 11 OClock we retired into our humble Cabin, and were favoured to witness the over- -shadowing Wing of Consoling goodness, to the Comforting and contriting of our Spirits, and this day we had a like Op- -pertunity, and were I thought alike favoured, may such seasons be remembred with gratitude, and with thankfulness and may our young friends be encouraged &; strengthened to keep up such religious oppertunities when we are far separated, which I trust they will. this is the fifth day since we came to this Town, we brought but little provision with us here, having but little to bring, and had a hope we should have been able to have got some dryed Venison of the Indians here, which has not been the case, we got a little Bears Oyl of them, but that article is scarce, and dear, this day intending to have made