Comfortable nights rest, having in the evening we viewed the river above the fording place, and we found that there was were some marks of its having fallen an Inch or more. 35 m we saw neither house nor cabin in this days ride. 8th Rose early this Morning, and upon viewing Cateragus we found it had fell several Inches, we therefore fed our horses got our breakfast, and prepared for mov- -ing, we had lodged on an Island, which our guide took us round to the head of that so we might have the advantage of the Cur- -rent in Crossing it. we found the bed of the Creek was wide, and there was a large gra- -velly Island several pearches from for our Shor[e] , we decended the Bank and rode to it, the Water not being more than knee deep, we then rode went down this Island 20 or more Pearches to where our guide singn signed for us to Cross, the Water ran very swift, but did not appear to be as deep as he gave us to expect, which was to come within Six Inches of the top of our horses backs, we mentioned signed to our guide to lead the way, he being well mounted on Henry Simmons Mare the largest beast in Company, but