believe had we stayed on the Rock at the grand pitch one hour our Cloathes would have been nearly wet through; we had now a very fair prospect of the Water Shoot- -ing over the Rock, and its desen descend- -ing with very great rapidity in a per- -pendicular direction 150 fifty feet, and the foaming state of the River for many pearch -es below, it was a trial and looked appeared dangerous to go to the edge of the Rock, to look down; I did it by going on my hands and knees, and at the edge I found the Rock was hollow under me for a number of feet back, and not much above one foot thick, I would have been glad to have descended to the bottom of this pitch, but we had no pilat, and there was no possibility of getting down any where in view, nor as I have understood short of half a mile down the River and there, with great difficulty. After staying about 20 minutes to view this Awful &; grand Scene, we return'd up the steep bank with difficulty, and in four miles arrived at Jeremiah Moores, where we were kindly rece recieved. In about an hour after we had got