which is their pleasantest time for traveling in the whole Year, they do their Carting and traveling much with Sleds, the roads be- -come smooth and good, there are no swam ps or mud in the way, neither is the snow often softened with rain in the Winter, some seasons they have had very little or no frost in the Ground; and as far as they have tryed Cover, they say it does answers very well, not being hurt in the winter, with frost. About 9 O Clock this morning we took leave of our kind, and Valued friends Asa Schooly and Wife, with their children, hav- -ing their, and many friends, hearty Wishes for our safe return, stoped at Daniel Pounds, a little while, then tak- -ing our leave of them, and set of down the Lake for Buffaloe, &; arrived at the fer- -ry about 12 where we found the Chief fer- -ryman, so in Liquor as not to be fit to take any Care, but a trusty Old man who sometimes Assisted agreed to take us over, the Wind was pretty high, and the River ran swift, he concluded to lash two boats together to keep the one our horse was were