men present delivered a speach much to the foregoing import, tho we thought it more weighty, and nervious, we then re- -turn’d to Captain Hendricks’s where we lodged, in a good Clean bed. 24th Returned this Morning to our friends at Oneida, and it being the first day of the week we sat with them in their Meeting. 25th Had a Council with the Oneida’s this afternoon, on Business that our friends here had been endeavouring to get them together about for several Weeks past, but were not able to accomplish it until we came, we made some fresh proposals to them con- -cerning some of their young men coming to work on the farm with our friends, they having never complyed with the proposals that were made, when the friends first were there, as the consideration therein mentioned they were to receive for their labour, they apprehended at too great a difference, it be- -ing such a share of what was raised. There were also some proposials concerning one or two of their Young Men coming to learn