it would be best not to proceed further, therefore in the Evening returned to Samuels. 18 miles 3rd. Got our horses Shod this Morning, and intended to have set of homewards in the Afternoon, but there coming up a hea- -vy Gust of Rain and Hail, we put it by of un until next Morning. 4th. Set of early this Morning through a pretty good Country, and fine Roads to Jacksons, 18 miles, here we fed our hor- -ses and got a second breakfast. We pass- -ed by four large places of Worship this Morning; and a number of good houses and Barns, the land level and pretty clear of stones. A Chain of Mountains were steadily in view on our right, at ten or miles distant; and we left newburgh, and New Windsor 8 or 10 miles to our left. More Swamp Meadow for the last 14 miles than for 100 before. A large proportion of the land was sown with wheat, which was mostly light. Not so much Rye as further back. Thence throug good land, thick settled, and a beautiful country to Goshen, the County Town of Orange County.