they returned -- And one of the Members of this Embassy having 14 slaves gave them all their liberty. P.S. This occurrence took place among the Creek Indians. The Person who set his Slaves at liberty was E.B. a well known family in East New Jersey 2nd From Joseph Clark to the Indians on his return with their young women -- Brothers, The love I always felt for you and your children, has induced me to leave all that is near and dear, my children, my Friends, my property, and my business to come and see you -- It is neither interest nor ease, that has brought me from my habitation; but that your Children whom you delivered into my care, in the year 1797 should be safely returned unto you, with their qualifications and improvements; and as the Good and Great Spirit has pre-served them in innocency &; sobriety, and Industry, in this state I hope they will continue, and that you may write with us, to encourage them in every good word, and work -- That thereby the Chain of Friendship may grow stronger and brighter, which is the sincere desire of thy Brother, Joseph Clark Reply of the Indians New Stockbridge 10th Mo. 22 1801 Brother attend, We wish to speak a few words to you -- we feel thankful to the great good Spirit, that he put a concern in your heart for us, The poor Indians, so that you was willing to leave all your friends, to take a long journey, and that you have kindly and safely conducted our young women, whom we put under your care some years ago -- We rejoice that the Great Good Spirit has protected and preserved you all this way, while you walk in the long path so that you are safely arrived by the side