places in his power -- And in order to make the man of God more perfect, He further informed him, that it was more blessed to give than to receive -- I conclude in a degree of that love which we wishes well unto all the families of the Earth from your Brother - Joseph Clark Philadelphia 12 mo. 14- 1801 N.B. My desire is that my Brother David Fowler would read this at the conclusion of the time of Worship, unto the Brothertown Indians, and also unto the Oneida Indians, as in such a manner as thou may judge best. 7th Observations on the Brother-town Indians who have within these last 3 years, built 9 Log Houses, 3 log Barns, and 4 frame Barns, also will been closed this fall 2 frame Houses -- They have about 8 yoke of Oxen added to their former number (a considerable num-ber not easily ascertained) They have lately purchased 270 sheep likewise as Colts. In the year 1799 they wove about 100 yards of Linnen. In the year 1801 they wove upwards of 600 Yards. In 1799-- seven families raised a little wheat. In 1801-- 56 families raised wheat, Corn and Flax in proportion. They have 7 Weavers, and a blacksmith all Indians -- They have a neat place of Worship steadily attended, and a School, and exemplary teacher -- several sober Indian families have been added unto them from remote parts -- They have also a grist and saw mill, likewise several Ovens - and now raise more Geese Observations on the Stockbridge Indians, who it is said are increasing 20 Women and two men are in full church membership; To which may be added, two Tuscarora Indians -- They have built 100 new houses these last 4 years -- 105 children fit to attend School –- Also