We the Subscribers do hereby agree and promise to pay on or before the first day of the second Month next unto the person, or persons appointed by the Monthly Meeting of Friends in Shrewsbury to collect the same, the sum of Money hereunder written against our names, to be applied to the benevolent purposes of promoting the civilization and well being of the Indian Natives 10th mo 1805 Subscribers Names Sum, in words if paid £ S. D Edmund Williams Twenty five Dollers paid 10 0 0 Nathan Tilton Twet Dollors paid ... 16 Thomas &; Amos Tilton Five Dollars paid 2 Obadiah Tilton three Dollers paid 1 Robert Tilton Two Dollars &; 50 Cents paid ..1 David Tilton Two Dollars paid ... 16 Tylee Williams Five Dollars paid 2 0 0 Ezma Black One Dollar ... 8 0 Rueben Shreeve One Dollar paid 8 Hester Tilton One Dollar paid 8 Richd Lawrence One Dollar paid 8 Willm Hartshorne Three Dollars paid 1 4 Fifty One Dollars &; 50 Cents ... 20 12 Red $147. Total