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Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1


2nd day Evening 25th of the Month the Committee again met- Present 28 Members The Committee to whom was referred the communication from our friends of Philadelphia, not being prepared to report are continued, with Samuel Mott &; Adam Mott, added The Clerk is directed to procure a suitable Cook for our minutes, and call on the Treasurer for payment- Adjourned, to meet on the 4th day Evening at half past 7 oclock at this House 4th day Evening 27th of the Month the Committee met pursuant to adjournment- Present 32 Members- An extract from the minutes of our Yearly Meeting now produced and read, is as follows-Viz At a Yearly Meeting of New York held by adjournments from the 25th of 5th month to 29th of the same inclusive 1807 The Committee on the concern relative to the Indian Natives made a report in writing- Their attention to the intercoting concern, afford a satisfaction to the Meeting, they are continued to the service, and encouraged to attend to the concernby