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Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1


accompanying it, and may inform, that the subject has, since it originated in this Yearly Meeting in 1795 continued to engage our attention, that frequent visits have been made to the Brothertown, Stockbridge, and Oneida Tribes with some occasional assistance as far as our funds admitted, but we have not hitherto been able from a variety of causes, to make such progress in promoting their civilization and improvement in Agriculture as is desirable- We are however encouraged to believe that our continued care towards that People will be acceptable, and increasingly useful, as a friend and his family have lately been disposed to remove and settle amongst them at Brothertown: and should their situation be rendered so comfortable as to induce them to remain, it is hoped, from the suitableness of their qualifications, and the lively interest they have manifested, for the welfare of this people, they will be very instrumental in carrying into effect the objects contemplated, of bettering their condition and increasing useful knowledge amongst them- We acknowledge the attention and respect manifested by friends in Philadelphia towards us as it relates to the interesting concern for the Indian Natives, which we believe is one that will be more and more blessed to them, and the prosecution of it under right direction prove a source of